Сomposition "Magic Day"
(19, 45 or 55 roses) WI2408 COR
Article WI2408
% Special offer!!You can not use bonuses to pay for bouquets from special offer category. Delivery to: Cortona Arezzo, Italy
Description: Basket (1), rose white L-6 (19), fern (20), oasis floral foam brick (5), lily White Longa (6)
Size: 20x28x28''
Description: Basket (1), rose white L-6 (45), fern (30), oasis floral foam brick (7), lily White Longa (10)
Size: 24x30x30''
Description: Large basket (1), rose white L-6 (55), fern (40), oasis floral foam brick (9), lily White Longa (12)
Size: 28x32x32''
WI2408, a basket arrangement of 19/45/55 white roses, 8 white lilies, 30 fern. Please make it exactly as on the photo! No changes in flowers and colours!! Please advise us if any flowers are not available!
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Description: Basket (1), rose white L-6 (19), fern (20), oasis floral foam brick (5), lily White Longa (6)
Size: 20x28x28''
Description: Basket (1), rose white L-6 (45), fern (30), oasis floral foam brick (7), lily White Longa (10)
Size: 24x30x30''
Description: Large basket (1), rose white L-6 (55), fern (40), oasis floral foam brick (9), lily White Longa (12)
Size: 28x32x32''
WI2408, a basket arrangement of 19/45/55 white roses, 8 white lilies, 30 fern. Please make it exactly as on the photo! No changes in flowers and colours!! Please advise us if any flowers are not available!